If you have taken the quiz and find out that you are a visual learner; you are definitely not alone.
According to a study published by the Social Science research Network, 65 percent of us are thought to be best suited to this learning style.
So, what does this mean and how can understanding the way you learn make a difference when it comes to improving your career path?
What are visual learners good at?
As the name reveals, visual learners tend to remember what they see rather than what they are trying to listen to and react well to imagery.
Moreover, this group is adept at visualizing objects or plans, meaning they can outline them in their mind without necessarily having to put pen to paper first. Their spatial sense is good, allowing sense of direction standing out of other non-visual learners, while solving maps is something they truly enjoy.
Finally, visual learners are proficient in recognizing when something is out of alignment or incomplete, and are quite happy to organize data so it is well-ordered and easier to digest.
What are a visual learner’s weaknesses?
Visual learners sometimes struggle with recalling instructions that have been delivered verbally, and can be likely to tuning out paying attention to other’s speech.
They are prone to get distracted when participating in seminars, so people of this learning type should try to minimize their chances of being drawn away from their training facilitator- by sitting out of view from a window, for example.
In addition, when beginning a project, they also find it difficult to get to work unless an overall view and purpose of their work has already been defined.
What training techniques are best for visual learners?
As expected, the combination of mind maps, graphs, charts and other visual aids can be highly effective when this type of learners is trying to absorb new information.
Visual learners profit from taking notes rather than recalling straight from memory, so should write down what they feel is important. Using different colors to highlight key details can also be useful in helping them commit to memory. These notes can then be converted into pictures to make them more memorable.
The order of how facts are consumed can make a huge impact on their learning abilities. Because of the way they take in new information, finding out the big picture first is a must. Only then will the smaller details make sense.
However, bear in mind that there are plenty of variations of visual learning, and all of these tips might not necessary be as effective to you as they would be to other visual learners.
Therefore although this is likely to be your predominant learning type, you may also benefit from tips relating to kinaesthetic and auditory learners. When trying out new training techniques, don’t be afraid to mix things up if you feel as though information isn’t sticking as well as you would like.
At CTS, our entire course is tailored to suit your style of learning- no matter what that may be.